Western Paediatric Physiotherapy, Author at Western Paediatric Physiotherapy
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Author: Western Paediatric Physiotherapy

Sever’s disease is a condition that causes heel pain in young adolescents (approximately 9-15 years olds). Its onset is usually during or shortly after a growth spurt. Sever’s disease often occurs in active teenagers, particularly those who participate in a sport that it is a high impact...

Is growing painful? No, or at least, there is no evidence to say it is. More likely, it is simply overuse of muscles during a child’s active day.

Walking on the toes is common in children who are learning to walk. Most children will grow out of it and so there is no need to worry. However, if your child is still predominantly walking on their toes after the age of 2 it...

Walking unsupported Squats to pick up a toy Speech and first words Able to play with more complex toys Able to use spoons and cups Act early and talk to your healthcare provider if: Unable to take steps independently Poor standing balance, falls frequently Walks on toes Doesn’t pull to stand Can’t crawl to climb...

Developmental Milestones for 9-12months Crawling action mastered and transitions in and out of many positions Pulling to stand Standing without support Cruises along furniture May start walking Act early and talk to your healthcare provider if: Difficulty getting to stand because of stiff legs and pointed toes Only uses arms to pull up...

Developmental Milestones for 3-6 Months Rolls both ways Usually front to back first Starting to sit, first supported, then may be able to sit on their own using hands for support Babbling and making noises Accepts weight through legs in supported standing Plays with feet when on their back Reaches for...

The importance of playgrounds is often underappreciated for children's development, both in terms of motor skills and social skills. Playgrounds assist with sequence of movement planning, for example going down the slide requires the child to plan the best route up to the top of the...

Kids back to school!  Who would have thought that the joy of children returning to the classroom could mean so much! Parents around Victoria are throwing parties, and loving the fact that parents can return to just parenting rather than being a teacher!  With children returning to...

As a parent or loved one we worry about our children and want to make sure that any complaint has a clear diagnosis and resolution. Have you ever considered the language you use when speaking about pain and what influence this may have on your child?   Pain is...

Screens are everywhere these days, especially under the current circumstances of COVID.  As a result, managing a child’s screen time has become even harder for parents. Screen time could be any time spent watching TV, DVDs, using computers, playing video or hand-held computer games or...